Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Village Breeze
Our new column is called "The Ghosts of Mainstrasse Village". We will be writing of our paranormal investigations about every four months or so. It is very exciting for us to be involved in this local publication. The City of Covington is filled with so much history and it is a great walking city to explore on a nice afternoon.
Our next investigation will be at the La Cherie Bistro at 522 Main Street. La Cheri is a fabulous place to grab a quick bite to eat for breakfast or lunch. Check out their menu on Urbanspoon!
More to come on La Cherie in the near future!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Tis the season
We have once again entered the last few months of the year and things have been very busy around the PIC team! After sharing our investigation results with Rosie's tavern owner, Diane, we were allowed back for a follow-up investigation.
This past weekend we spent another three hours in Rosie's with additional recording devices on hand to gather more credible information than our first visit. We also were very fortunate to have Dan D. with us for our follow-up. Dan is a medium and is very attuned to the paranormal energy that surrounds all of us. With his assistance, we were able to isolate the particular entities that inhabit the areas of the building - the bar area and the apartment areas.What a wealth of information he was able to share with us on our walk through! We are very fortunate to have Dan in our midst and we look forward to working with him again in the future.
Our review of the audio and video are ongoing and we expect to have that completed by the end of the holiday season so we can provide all of the additional information to Diane.
More news.....we have been asked to write a column for a local paper in Covington called The Village Breeze. In this column we will discuss each of our investigations and talk a little about ourselves and what we do as a team. Look for the next issue to be released sometime in December! We are so excited to be participating in such a fine local publication.
One last thing.....follow us on Twitter! @Paranormalcincy
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Comings and Goings
A few months have slipped by and we have lots to update.
Let's begin with Scarefest! Wow.....what an event that was in Lexington! There were above average crowds on Friday and Saturday! I must admit there were a few of the horror celebrities that I would not know if I passed them on the street. However, I am now educated and really enjoyed a few of them. In particular, Gunnar Hansen (from Texas Chainsaw), who had a great dry sense of humor. A real charming guy outside of the movies! As with Gunnar, the celebrities and vendors all had high praise for the volunteers at the event. Take a look at the following video produced by Infernal Dreams! A great time and I look forward to volunteering again next year!
Our latest investigation took us to Rosie's Tavern on Bakewell Street in Covington Kentucky. The building itself has been around since the early beginnings of Cincinnati and Covington - late 1700's. As the years progressed, the building was used primarily as a boarding house on the 2nd and 3rd floors and a tavern on the first floor. During the prohibition years in the early 1900s it became part of the local grocery chain called Kroger. Once prohibition ended, it became a tavern owned by several different people over the years. Covington Ky also has a lengthy history of gambling establishments. This building was reported to contain slot machines as early as the 1950's when it was the Tiny Mite Social Club - Tiny's for short.
We spent approximately 3 hours in the building and managed to walk away with two credible EVPs from the basement. We were able to hear other voice noises on the recorder but nothing that we could isolate as a word or a phrase. We are meeting with the owner of the establishment this week to review our findings. It was a great opportunity for us because all members of our team have been visitors to this tavern at one time or another.
We are currently working on our logo for the team. We have found that a refresh is in order and we have a few rough drafts created that might just do the trick!
We are looking for another investigation opportunity! We have a few new members who are able to join our team and we would love to put their investigation expertise to good use!
If you know of anyone who would be interested in our FREE investigation, please contact us by the email on this site. We pride ourselves on our professionalism and our research in regards to every location we investigate.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Scarefest 2009
As always, we have a great line up of celebrities from horror films and paranormal televisions shows! Chip Coffey will be there as well as the gentlemen from Ghost Adventures!
Lots of activities going on that weekend so please check out our website for more information!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Mansfield Reformatory Investigation
Last weekend's trip to Mansfield proved to be a good one for our team. All of us were able to pick up at least three solid Class A EVP's. There were many sounds recorded that we could not explain and we did not hear them as we walked through the prison.
The prison itself is quite large and there are a lot of rooms that are segregated enough to be completely void of any other outside noises (passing cars, etc). There is a lot of props left from the filming of Shawshank Redemption.
Overall it was a very good night for us. I am still reviewing video from the evening and I am still trying to figure out how to upload some of the EVPs to this blog. Once I have it together I will post all new EVPs on the right side of this page.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Aliens on the moon?
I haven't ever posted anything about UFOs or aliens on our blog to date. It's not that I don't believe that life exists outside of the planet Earth but I just haven't really been that engaged in the subject.
With NASA gearing up for a return trip to the moon, there have been a lot of articles posted out there regarding the new rocket, the experiments, etc.
I came across this article that was particularly interesting to me so I thought I would share it with you.
NASA bombing of the Moon may create conflict with ETs or UFOs
Monday, June 22, 2009
Our next adventure!

Built in 1886 in Mansfield Ohio, it has held over 150,000 prisoners in its lifetime before closing its doors in December 1990. It is 250,000 square feet and is likely one of the most statuesque prisons ever built. It was so grand in structure that Shawshank Redemption was filmed at this location.
Our team has the honor of being four of 100 people who will participate in a ghost hunt there this weekend! As you can imagine, we are all thrilled at our prospects. We have heard many stories about this place and we hope to capture something paranormal during our trip!
Stay tuned!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Bartonville Insane Asylum

Sunday, March 1, 2009
Scarefest - 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Bartonville Insane Asylum
A little background history for your viewing pleasure - Bartonville Insane Asylum
I have included a video on the right side of my page. It is a teaser youtube video from a team who have already investigated the sight.
We will have the good fortune of teaming up with two of the most knowledgeable and most experienced ghost hunters living today - Patti Starr and Chip Coffey. Chip Coffey has recently worked on the television series "Paranormal State".
More information coming on our journey to Illinois. It should prove to be an eventful evening!