Monday, April 14, 2008

Ghosthunting and beyond!

Ok....with one seminar under our belt (this past weekend) we are now looking forward to more advanced seminars and ghost hunting with a local group. We have both managed to compile a nice set of tools that will really get us started in the right direction.

We successfully completed round one of training with Patti Starr - Ghost Chaser International founder. I think we both found her experiences to be quite enlightening and she had our complete attention. We ended our day with another walk through a nearby graveyard (which supposedly was rich in EVP activity) but it was so windy again I just ended up picking up a lot of my voice and sounds of the wind. So if I did manage to get a mumbled EVP I wouldn't be able to rule it as something viable with the surrounding noise. I am wondering if we should just choose a calmer day for these outdoor type of investigations or if there is a better way to record during such a windy day?

I think one of the biggest things that I have learned from our seminar is that self-promotion is the key. If we want to investigate more often, then we have to make sure that people know that we perform ghost hunt investigations.

The next thing that has amazed me is just how many ghost hunting groups there are in this area. We were brainstorming a bit on a "name" for our humble little ghost hunting group and as I Googled all of our choices..........even the ones we didn't like were already claimed by other area groups. This is a bit of a bummer and a bit of a set back because in order to promote what we do, we should have a name to promote. However, since we are in the early stages, we do have lots of time to ponder something more unique.

Future activities for us include - a trip to Alcatraz during our vacation in May and a ghost walk through Sonoma. While tours through Alcatraz may not reveal much, I have heard that there has been ghostly activity in the historic prison - especially in solitary confinement cells, etc. So one never knows if we will actually see anything or not.

I will also have another shot at the nursing home again - this time at night and with more time to wander around. I intend to arm myself with simple tools and do a few walks around the facility to see if I can nab another EVP. Methinks that the old spirits that inhabit this place are likely not to have seen the likes of a ghost hunter before so I am hoping for some interesting EVP activity.

So as we move along with our ghost hunts, I will post more in the near future! There is definitely more to come!


Anonymous said...

Howdy from a fellow 'classmate'! This is Danny...the tall, quiet guy in the gray flannel from Louisville.

I'm trying to get into the May 4 Advanced Class myself. I've never had an 'experience' that I'm aware of and I can't wait to get out there and dig in myself.

Patti is definitely an interesting person and I look forward to learning more from her.

Have you been on Patti's Bardstown Ghost Trek yet? I plan on going several times once they get started in June. I'm staying at the Jailers Inn in October and I hope to hang with Patti that Saturday as well!

IT was a pleasure meeting you and your friend and hopefully we will bump into each other a lot more in the future. I'm going to add your 'feed' to my rss reader so I can keep up with your experiences.

Have fun on your trip and let us know if you have any creepy encounters!

Take Care

Rita said...

Thanks for visiting my site Danny! Yes we are looking forward to the Bardstown Ghost Trek as well. We will probably get into the June advance class if our schedules are open. I welcome all the information that Patti can pass along!